
January 09, 2012

A Part Of Us

Half of Baby P.'s genes are mine and half are from Mr. Blessings.

Okay, so this is pretty obvious.  That's how babies are made.  That's the science of it.

I have clearly known about this even before I knew that Baby P. existed there in my tummy.

But, somehow, it just hit me again how absolutely amazing this is.  Our little bean is a real, live human that will forever connect us to each other in a way that is different from our marriage vows.

There are so many miraculous things about growing a life, but this one feels like the biggest of them all. 

I cannot wait to see how each of us (and our family members) are expressed in this little being.

I am thankful to God for giving me these nine months to slowly gather all of these thoughts into my brain and for blessing me with a husband that I love so dearly and hope my child takes after. 


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