
December 06, 2011

Daydreaming About Baby P.

I am a daydreamer by nature.
Now that this little guy is on his way, I like to utilize quiet moments to think about the mama that I will be and the sweet baby boy that I will get to snuggle in just a few months. 

It seems like the best times for such daydreams are while I am crocheting his afghan or looking and sorting through the stacks of clothing, books and other items that we have acquired for him.  His room is slowly coming together and I love spending time in it.  I sit in the rocking chair and think about this sweet little bean that we will soon have the privilege and responsibility of parenting.

Looking through all of his little things (they are SO tiny!), I think of my little bambino and it is easy to forget that he won't be a baby forever...or even for long.   

I am so thankful that I will get to spend the first three months of his life at home with him and that Mr. Blessings will get to spend the next couple with him.  We are blessed beyond all measure.

I am so anxious to meet this little guy, but for now I am thoroughly enjoying this time to ponder and daydream.


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