
December 16, 2011

Newborn Cloth Diaper Rental

All of the diapers that I have purchased and registered for are labeled as "One Size"  - which means that they have multiple snaps or other ways to change the sizing so that they should fit a baby from approximately 7 or 8 pounds through potty training.

I doubt that Baby P. will be much (if any) smaller than 7-8 lbs, so it seems like he should fit into One Size diapers from the get-go.

But, I have learned, via the wonderful world of the internet, that very few newborns fit into One Size diapers - even if they weigh 8 or 9 pounds.  They are just too skinny and those diapers really start fitting best closer to 10-12 pounds.

So, I started researching newborn cloth diapers.  There were a few good deals to be found via Ebay, etc. but knowing that I would need lots of them, still made the cost prohibitive.  Especially considering that I don't know how long our little guy will even  be wearing them. 

Thankfully, somewhere in my researching frenzy, I learned that there are multitudes of places from which you can rent newborn cloth diapers.  Woot!

I compared and contrasted all of varying diaper types, deposit fees, etc. at LOTS of places and then, serendipitously happened upon the website for Top to Bottom Baby Boutique.  Not only do they offer a newborn cloth diaper rental package at a fair price, they are located just up the road from us.  Double woot!

So, come sometime next February, you can expect to find Baby P. (who will hopefully have a better name by that point) sporting the Bummis Tini Fit diapers.  Yay!

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