
February 11, 2012

Ready or Not

Sometimes I worry if I will be able to handle the mama role.  
It is hard to imagine a 24/7 job that demands such sacrifice.  

Obviously, there will be joy and clearly I will (at least sometimes) make those sacrifices with a willing heart, but still.  It seems like a lot to take on and so very different from anything else I have done in life.  

I’m not there yet.  Not yet in the midst of it to know what it will be like, but I try to remind myself how willingly I can give things up for our Mabel (the beagle-mutt).  It is probably not very fair to compare your child to your dog, but that is the best that I’ve got.  I love her crazy big and that love leads me to bouts of worry, joy in my time with her and, yes, willing sacrifice.  

I imagine that motherhood will be all that and the kitchen sink.

When I think about having to take such responsibility for another’s well being, I am thankful for Mr. Blessings and the blessing of our marriage.  I am so thankful that I have a partner to share all of this with me.  I am grateful that I do not have to do this alone. 

I am also thankful for my faith and the Word that tells me that I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. Life is a lot easier when you know you have The Big Guy on your side.  

And, of course, ready or not, the little guy is coming our way.


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