
December 27, 2011

12 Date Nights in 2012

As a Christmas gift to Mr. Blessings and myself, I planned out 12 dates for us in 2012.

I made monthly envelopes and inside of each envelope I placed a card with an idea for a date night.

The first few months focus on things that will become more difficult for us to do once Baby P. makes his arrival.  Ex. February includes dinner out followed by a movie.  I don't foresee a lot of movie going in the months after his birth, so I figured that we better take advantage of this time!  :)

Many of the dates were designed to accommodate the addition of a little one to our plans.  I purposely made the first several dates after Baby P.'s expected arrival things that we can do at home or that are otherwise baby friendly.

Later in the year, I did plan a few dates that will require a babysitter.

I realize that life may be heavily focused on Baby for these next several months and that our family will soon consume us in ways that I can't imagine.  Still, I don't want our marriage to take a complete backseat to parenthood.  The couples I know that have taken the time to do monthly date nights or other regular couple-centered activities seem to have the strongest marriages and also the healthiest families.

I feel like a strong marriage is the best gift that we can give to our kiddo(s) and that it is really the best gift we can give to one another. 


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