
January 01, 2012

Happy 2012!

Here we are, blessed with another year.

With the impending arrival of our first born, this will be a big (GIANT) year in our family and I feel like there are so many things to look forward to....more than I can even imagine.

I am more of a "goal" person than a "resolution" person, but I am finding it hard to make any specific goals for this year, as there is so much ahead that is unknown.

So, then, here are a few more general type of goals for this first year of mama-hood.
  • With Mr. Blessings, decide on a name for this little-one-to-be.
  • Read a lot of books to the little guy.  A lot.
  • Spend a lot of time in prayer for myself, my little boy, my hubby and our family.
  • Learn all about Baby P.'s personality.
  • Make mindful efforts towards continual growth in my marriage.
  • Be good stewards of our money.
  • Pray for continued guidance in decisions that we make for our family's future.
Much love and Happy New Year to YOU!  Have you made any goals or resolutions for this year?


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