
January 30, 2012

My Pre-Baby To Do List

In my 25 week post, I made a quick list of things that needed to be done before Baby P's arrival.  I think it's about time to revisit that post, as the little one could be arriving at any time.  

Here we go:
  • Finish crocheting the baby afghan.
    • This one is not going to happen.  I have the squares approximately 80% done, but my pregnancy-induced carpal tunnel hardly lets me type, let alone crochet.  So, this project will have to be completed sometime after Baby P's arrival....assuming that the carpal tunnel goes away.  
  • Buy more winter maternity clothes.
    • Success!  I am going to make it through my pregnancy without spending a ton of money and without going naked.  My winter coat is becoming rather difficult to zip, but I will persevere!
  • Go to the doctor...many more times.
    • I've been faithfully going as scheduled.  We are now to weekly appointments until this kiddo decides to make his arrival.
  • Get a car seat, extra car seat base and a stroller.
    • This "to do" item was just completed in the last week.  We ended up buying a jogging stroller that allows our car seat to attach to it for use during the first few months.
  • Take the prenatal class at the hospital.
    • Done!  And for extra credit we also took a breastfeeding class.
  • Acquire more kid books.
    • I think we now have more than enough books and I have already been daydreaming about taking the little guy on his first visit to the library.  
  • Buy a crib.
    • My mama kindly purchased us a crib as a shower gift.  It is up and ready to go!
  • Find a pediatrician.
    • Done!  And her office is not only within walking distance from our house, but also open on both Saturdays and Sundays.  How lucky are we?
  • Arrange for daycare.
    • We found a mom in our neighborhood who is starting a small daycare and she has been hired!  
  • Plan Baby P.'s weekly photo shoot.
    • I have purchased fabric and feel generally prepared for my plan.  As a shower gift, I received the book, "Mamarazzi: Every Mom's Guide to Photographing Kids."  I also purchased a 35mm f1.8 lens.  I have been playing around with it for the past few weeks and I am convinced that it will take some wonderful baby photos.  Yay!  You can learn more about my general photo shoot plan in my Weekly Photo Shoot post
  • Wash all of the baby clothes.
    • They have been washed and are ready to go!  Blankets and diapers, too.
  • Acquire an adequate supply of cloth diapers and related accessories.
    • We are renting our newborn cloth diapers for use during the first few months.  After that, I think we are good to go.  Between a few "new" purchases, shower gifts, craigslist and consignment, I think that we should have more than enough diapers.  Woot!
  • Decide on a name!!!!  (Or at least, a short list of names.)
    • I don't think that I can cross this one off as "done," but I would say that we have made some excellent progress.  I am confident that our baby will have a name within the first few hours of his life.  :)  It is just so hard to decide and agree on anything.  One thing we have accomplished, on this front: we have decided on a middle name.  That's progress, right?

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